What are <N-mode> and <SX mode> in the SPB series?
The SPB firmware has two operation modes: “N-mode” and “SX-mode.” Applicable personal computer loader varies depending on the firmware used. <N-mode&g... Show Detail
There is a difference between 'Unpassive' and 'Fullpasisve' as follows. 1) Unpassive: Communicates with a device that has any IP or port No. 2) Fullpassi... Show Detail
You don't need a dedicated cable. Since the parameters will be set via the CPU module, you need a loader cable for the PLC and the program loader software. Show Detail
When you use preset operation in the linear operation mode, counting is sometimes discontinued due to preset overflow. Show Detail
Modules that use the processor bus, such as the P/PE link and FL-net modules, need be mounted on the slot equipped with the processor bus. Other communicati... Show Detail
You can check the address range of the CPU by using the loader or in the user's manual. In the Standard loader, after creating a project, you can check the ... Show Detail
Can I upload a definition file downloaded from a configurator to NP1L-PD1/PD2?
No, you cannot upload a definition file. So, it is very important to keep backup of Definition file on PC side. Show Detail
Possible causes are as follows: 1) The baud rate differs between the PLC and the target device. 2) The stop bit differs between the PLC and the target devi... Show Detail
No, it does not support the DPV1 function. It supports the DPV0 (I/O communication) function. Show Detail
To use conversion instructions from MICREX-F (instructions with the suffix '_MF') with SH2000 or SPH3000 series, the following software version of the CPU is... Show Detail
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