What is the difference between the LG and FG terminals of the power supply module (Type_ NP1S-22)?
The LG terminal is a line filter ground terminal in the power supply module. It is intended for guiding any external noise produced in the power supply or sw... Show Detail
Modules that use the processor bus, such as the P/PE link and FL-net modules, need be mounted on the slot equipped with the processor bus. Other communicati... Show Detail
You don't need a dedicated cable. Since the parameters will be set via the CPU module, you need a loader cable for the PLC and the program loader software. Show Detail
When you use preset operation in the linear operation mode, counting is sometimes discontinued due to preset overflow. Show Detail
When the memory with a retain attribute is corrupted, the CPU clears the memory and operates in nonfatal fault condition. If the power is reset again in this... Show Detail
You can connect an SX series CPU to D300win via USB, Ethernet or a dedicated loader cable, depending on the model. Configure the communication settings acco... Show Detail
If the project that you want to upload includes expansion FBs provided by Fuji Electric, the expansion FBs must be installed on your computer. Install the ex... Show Detail
Is it permitted to have an unused slot in an SPH system configuration?
An unused slot is permitted in a system configuration. If you plan to mount a module in the unused slot in the future, it can be registered as 'unimplemen... Show Detail
No, it does not support the DPV1 function. It supports the DPV0 (I/O communication) function. Show Detail
There is a possibility of mismatch between the project in the user ROM card and the CPU memory. On the 'Failure diagnosis' dialog, check the 'Resource inform... Show Detail
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