I cannot download a project to the user ROM card inserted in the CPU. What is a possible cause?
This problem is probably caused by the following reasons: [For SPH300/2000/3000 series] 1) The CPU mode selection switch is not set at the 'UROM-TERM' pos... Show Detail
To use the failure diagnosis function, you need to install '.NetFramework' on your computer. '.NET Framework2.0' is contained in the product CD. If your OS... Show Detail
Does the StandardV3 loader have the function to change the CPU model?
Yes, the StandardV3 loader has the function to change the CPU model. Use the 'Model Change' command in the 'Project' menu. Note that some higher models can... Show Detail
Can I increase the font size displayed on the Standard loader screen?
By changing the zoom rate of the main screen displaying a program or data monitoring, the on-screen font size is also increased or decreased. However, the S... Show Detail
What Windows OS does the Expert (D300win) support?
The supported Windows OSes depend on the loader version. ? Windows 7: V3.5.3.18 or later ? Windows 8: V3.6.5.19 or later ? Windows 8.1 and 10: V3.6.... Show Detail
What is necessary for MODBUS_TCP communication between SPH and an external device?
The following are necessary. 1) Hardware Ethernet interface module (NP1L-ET1) or CPU module with built-in Ethernet (SPH2000/3000 series CPU types w... Show Detail
The version of the D300win is displayed as Version 4.0. Why?
This was probably caused by the following factors (1) The PC was not restarted after the D300win was installed. (2) A space is included in the name of the... Show Detail
When the EMG signal and ±OT signal are not used, connect them to 24 V DC. Alternatively, you can set the ±OT signal to 'Disabled' in the parameter settings ... Show Detail
Since the conversion accuracy after a scaling change remains within the specifications, rescaling is unnecessary. Show Detail
What is the transfer data size range for the READ_WORD/WRITE_WORD FB?
The range in terms of description is up to 4096 words respectively. Note, however, that actual message transfer on the SX bus takes place after division into... Show Detail
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