Is electronic cam operation possible without using the dedicated module?
No, it is not possible. Combine the electronic cam FB package (Type_ NP4N-CAMFV3) with a positioning control module (Type_ NP1F-MP2/MA2). Show Detail
Check the following two points (1) To use the EMG/±OT signal, input the 'External power supply 24 V DC.' (2) Check the wiring of the external equipment. (T... Show Detail
The module counts feedback pulses even without Z-phase pulse signals. Note that when Z-phase pulse signals are not provided, origin return operation is dis... Show Detail
Pulse output completion is indicated by the 'Command pulse zero' signal. Normally, it is '1' to indicate the status of completion. When the number of pulses... Show Detail
In the standard expansion counter FB _MHCNTH, CH0 operates but CH1 does not.
It seems that this problem was caused by an improper address setting for INDAT/OUTDAT assigned to the counter FB terminal. On a single module, assign the sa... Show Detail
I cannot register a dummy module (Type_ NP1F-DMY) with the system definitions using the loader.
The purpose of a dummy module is to use it as a temporary replacement of an I/O module that has been defined with the system but does not actually exist for ... Show Detail
While NP1F-HC2 requires an external power supply of 5 V DC, NP1F-HC8 produces 5 V DC within the module from an external 24 V DC power supply and does not req... Show Detail
You cannot use software filters when you use the pulse counter input function of the high-speed input module (Type_ NP1X3206-A). Show Detail
The specified current value is constant regardless of the frequency because the input impedance for the pulse input I/F is fixed. Show Detail
The four-axis pulse string output terminal module (Type_ NR1SF-HP4DT) does not have a physical ±OT terminal. You can solve this problem by using software a... Show Detail
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