I use the timer T0 in the Standard loader. When I add a contact T0 to another POU and then execute program conversion, an error message appears saying 'T0 is not defined.' Why?

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  • GLOBAL > PLC > Common to SX > Application > I use the timer T0 in the Standard loader. When I add a contact T0 to another POU and then execute program conversion, an error message appears say...
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  • Displayed Date : 2023/04/25 19:00
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I use the timer T0 in the Standard loader. When I add a contact T0 to another POU and then execute program conversion, an error message appears saying 'T0 is not defined.' Why?

I use the timer T0 in the Standard loader. When I add a contact T0 to another POU and then execute program conversion, an error message appears saying 'T0 is not defined.' Why?
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The Standard loader has two types of timer devices created in projects: local timers (T0 to 8191) that are only valid in the POU and global timers (T8192 to 16383) that are valid in multiple POUs in the project.
The error occurs because a contact T0, which is a local timer, is used in a POU other than the one where the timer instruction T0 is defined.
When you want to use a timer contact in other POUs, use a global timer (from T8192).