• GLOBAL > PLC > Common to SX > Function > The MICREX-F series T-link has the fail-soft function. Does the MICREX-SX series T-link have the same function?
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  • Displayed Date : 2023/04/25 19:00
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The MICREX-F series T-link has the fail-soft function. Does the MICREX-SX series T-link have the same function?

The MICREX-F series T-link has the fail-soft function. Does the MICREX-SX series T-link have the same function?
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The MICREX-SX series T-link also has the fail-soft operation function, but not the general fail-soft function.
In MICREX-SX, fail-soft operation can be individually set to each station of T-link interface modules and T-link capsules registered under a T-link master module in the system definition. Although MICREX-SX has no general fail-soft function, setting fail-soft operation to all the modules registered in the system definition has the same effect.
Even if an error or a power failure occurs in a station where fail soft operation is set during power-on or operation, the CPU continues operation in a nonfatal fault condition.
When the faulty module recovers and joins the system again, the nonfatal fault in the CPU module is automatically eliminated.
On the other hand, a slave station not registered in the system definition cannot join T-link. To set fail-soft operation to modules in MICREX-SX, open 'Module properties' for the CPU ] 'CPU parameter' ] 'Fail-soft operation setting' tab window. Then, register target T-link interface modules/T-link capsules in 'I/O selected valid fail-soft operation' list.